The reddened tongue The red tongue means malnutrition. It is best to eat more nutritious foods.

sually when we get sick we go to the doctor. Then they test our eyes and tongues first. Because the tongue and the eye play a key role in telling us what our illness is like. In particular, the tongue serves as a determinant to inform health. It is very easy for a doctor to diagnose a person's health by tongue. For example if the tongue looks pink, it means it is moist and soft and there is no problem. If there is pain in the tongue it is a symptom of some health problems. If so, you may be wondering how the doctors know it. 1. White colored particles White coatings or white particles on the tongue Oral candidiasis Candida albicans is a fungus. Its development leads to other oral diseases. This fungus is always present in the mouth and is completely harmless. It also provides a good indication that the body's immunity is low. * Leukoplakia It is most commonly found in the mucous membranes of the mouth. White or gray patches are formed. Leukoplakia is not so dangerous. But turning white can lead to oral cancer and other ailments. * Weak immune system When the immune system is weakened, these white particles are produced in the mouth. It affects the mucous membrane of the mouth. It can also cause damage to the tongue. 2. Reddish tongue The red tongue means malnutrition. Eating more nutritious foods is recommended. * Vitamin B-12 Defect Folic acid or vitamin B-12 deficiency can make your tongue look red. For this you should take proper nutritional supplements as well as vitamin supplements. * Allergies, discomfort, diabetes, or stress can be the most common symptom of pores in the tongue. It is necessary to take care of this. Bacteria that make the tongue look red are the cause of illness. The scarlet tongue is also a symptom of fever. It can lead to serious diseases affecting the heart, kidney and other organs. * In children, the tongue is usually reddened due to high fever and inflammation of the blood vessels. 3. Dots on the tongue Dots on the tongue muscle epithelium sometimes develop throughout life. Black tongue is most commonly found in cancer patients. Especially in those who are on chemotherapy, diabetics have a black tongue. It is best to see a doctor who has this type of problem. Especially for those who have too much blister on the tongue, it is advisable to dip their mouth in a little salt to nail warm water.

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