Serve with peanuts. This dry fruit contains nutrients like fiber, protein, good fat and alpha lipoic acid. Tell us how consuming peanuts controls blood sugar.
Not only alcohol, these things can also cause fatty liver, it is better to stay away
Weight loss: Green almonds are effective in reducing weight, they keep the heart and digestive system healthy.
The amount of carbs in the diet is mentioned. Explain that carbohydrates increase blood sugar. The GI value of peanuts is only 14, which does not allow the blood sugar to rise. You can add it to salads, smoothies, toast or eat peanuts.
Lowers blood glucose: Experts believe that adding 10 to 20 grams of peanuts to your daily diet helps control blood glucose. They are easily available, cost less and with benefits. In addition, peanuts are low in carbohydrates and high in good fats.
Reduces Insulin Sensitivity Peanuts are rich in magnesium, which lowers insulin sensitivity. Eating peanuts is said to meet one percent of the daily requirement of magnesium. The presence of good fat in it makes them even more healthy.
Does proper digestion: Experts believe that the digestive power of diabetic patients is poor. In such a situation, these people have many problems related to stomach. To speed up the digestion process, diabetics should consume a diet rich in fiber. Peanuts contain fiber, so their consumption is beneficial.