Does an apple plant grow from seed? Know the most important things related to planting this plant at home

oes an apple plant grow from seed? Learn the most important things about planting this plant at home How to grow apple seeds People who love home gardening and plants keep on experimenting from time to time. Some experiments were successful, some were not. It is often said that each tree has a different character and temperament. If you plant the saplings according to their qualities and needs, you will surely succeed. If we talk about fruit and vegetable plants, pollination, proper temperature, sunlight, humidity etc will contribute greatly to their growth and good growth. Some plants grow in warm climates, again in some cool areas. If these plants are grown against their nature, they will grow, but they will not grow well and will not bear fruit. One such tree is the apple tree, which usually grows in cold areas. Many people want to grow an apple tree at home. If you live in a cold area, apples can easily be grown in pots. He has three apple plants at home. So let's learn from them what kind of apples they have and how to plant them. The apple tree needs a maximum temperature of 10 to 25 degrees. At this temperature, apple trees also yield good fruit. In case of cold or rain this plant. But there is no guarantee that it will bear fruit. Yes, you will definitely have a beautiful bonsai plant in your garden. You can plant this bonsai with cuttings or nuts. Balcony garden How to plant an apple from a seed? He explains, “It takes five to six years for a seedling to grow and bear fruit. At the same time, it is difficult to give fruit in hot places. If the temperature is right, big apples, such as the market, may not come, but the plants at home will also bear fruit. To plant it from seed, you can apply apple seeds with trichoderma powder and plant them in pots. This helps the seed germinate. You can germinate by placing its seeds in the refrigerator. Remove all apple nuts and place them in the refrigerator for about three weeks. After three weeks or months, take the seed and immerse it in water for five-six hours. Note, do not use floating seeds. Now place the seeds in a damp towel for about a week, keeping them out of the sun and stuffing them in a box. You see, a week later the seeds begin to germinate. Now is the time to plant it in the pot. You can use a pot mix consisting of 50% normal soil, 50% cocoapeat and vermicompost. You plant the seeds one by one and put some soil and water on them. Keep it away from strong sunlight, but it also needs three to four hours of sunlight. After about 10 days, you will see the plant emerge from your seed. Give the plants three to four hours of sunshine and watering regularly. Its roots rot on the water, so only water as needed. The plant will begin to bear fruit in about five years, with a maximum temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. You must be wondering how to plant an apple and how it will yield fruit. He said he had planted an apple tree named HRMN99 at home. This apple variety was developed by Himachal Farmer Hariman Sharma. It also grows in 40 to 44 degrees heat and yields. They have brought this plant from the nursery in a pot containing 50% normal soil, 50% cocoapeat and a pot mix containing vermi compost. As it grows in warmer areas, keep it under normal sunlight. At the same time, she regularly sprays neem oil to prevent any kind of insect. He says that if HRMN planted the apple tree on the ground, the fruits would start coming out in about two years. At the same time, a pot plant can take up to five years to bear fruit. If you live in a hot area and want to plant apple in your home as a bonsai, you can plant it from seed. And if you want to taste the taste of home-grown apple, your ha

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